Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Top 200 Landscaping Vocabulary Words

Top 200 Landscaping Vocabulary Words Here is a list of the top 200 English vocabulary items for the landscaping industry. This selection of vocabulary is based on the Occupational Handbook provided by the United States Department of Labor. Accredited - adjective / Weve applied to an accredited bank for a loan.Actual - adjective / Our actual problem is that the shipment is late.  Additionally - adverb / Additionally, well need three mowers.Agencies - noun /   There are a number of governmental agencies that can help.Aided  - adjective /   We were aided by a few part time employees.Analyze - verb /   We need to analyze the landscape.Applicators  - noun /   Lets use the new applicators for the treatment.Approved  - adjective / The approved plans call for extra gardening.Architect  - noun /   I have a meeting with the architect tomorrow.Architectural  - adjective /   The architectural design is outstanding.Architecture  - noun /   Its important to careful consider the buildings architecture.Area  - noun /   The area beyond the marsh is ready for development.Arrangement  - noun /   Weve made an arrangement for delivery next week.  Athletic - adjective /   The athletic facilities are e xcellent.Base  - noun /   Lets leave the materials at the base.   Basis  - noun /   The basis for our design is a flower.  Bench  Ã‚  - noun /   Can you please move that bench over here?Blower  - noun /   Grab the blower and get ride of the fallen leaves.  Board  - noun /   Could you pass me that board over there?Budget  - noun /   Weve gone over budget on this project.  Building  - noun /   Youll find him in the building over there.  Business  - noun /   Our business is based on customer satisfaction.  Campus  Ã‚  - noun /   The university campus is beautiful.Candidate  Ã‚  - noun /   We have a few candidates for the job.  Care  - noun / These plants need excellent care.  Cemetery  Ã‚  - noun / The cemetery needs to be raked.Center  - noun / The center of the garden is over there.  Certification  - noun /   Well need to apply for certification.Chance  - noun / Theres a good chance we can begin next week.  Chemical  - noun /   The chemical compound is dangerous.Class  - noun / This falls into a different class.  Clear - adjective / We have a clear objective for next week.  Client  - noun /   Our client lives in Canada. Climate  - noun /   Well have to wait until the climate gets better.  Clippers  - noun /   Use those clippers to prune the hedge.  Commercial - adjective   / The commercial applications are numerous.  Communication  - noun / Communication is essential on this job.Completion  - noun /   The completion date is next month.Computer  - noun /   Let me print the invoice out on the computer.  Condition  - noun / Make sure that all the contractual conditions are met.  Construction  - noun /   Ill call some to help with the construction.  Contractor  - noun / Well need to hire a new contractor.Council  - noun /   The council decided against the project.  Create  - verb /   Lets create a space over here.  Credentials  - noun /   He has excellent credentials.  Deadline  - noun / The deadline is next week.  Demand  - noun /   The customers demands are numerous.  Design  - noun, verb /   Thats a beautiful design.  Designerà ‚  Ã‚  - noun / Lets meet with the designer next week.  Detailed  - adjective /   Youll find a detailed quote attached to this email.   Disease  - noun / Unfortunately, these plants have a disease.  Drainage  - noun / The drainage ends in the pond.  Drawing  - noun /   That drawing will give you a good idea.  Duty  - noun /   Our duties include weeding and mowing.  Educational - adjective /   I think this meeting will be very educational.Engineer  - noun /   Well need to hire an engineer for this job.  Entry  - noun /   The entry should be raised.  Environment  - noun /   The environment is very balanced.  Environmental  - adjective / Make sure to take environmental concerns into account.  Equipment  - noun /   The gardening equipment was rather expensive.  Essential  - adjective /   The essential changes will need to be made.  Estimate  - noun /   The estimate seemed very expensive.  Exam  - noun / The exam was held last week.  Existing  - adjective / We need to modify the existing structures.  Facilities  - noun / The cooking facilities need to be modified.  Feature  - noun /   One beautiful feature is the garden pond.  Federal  - adjective / Federal regulations need to be examined.   Fence  - noun /   Could you fix my fence?Fertilizer  - noun /   That fertilizer smells horrible.  Field  - noun /   There are a few cows in the field.  Firm  - noun /   We hired a firm to help us with advertising.  Flower  - noun /   What beautiful flowers!Focus  - verb /   Our focus is on green practices.  Fountain  - noun /   The fountain in the square keeps everyone happy.Freshly - adverb / That building has been freshly painted.  Functional  - adjective /   The functional guidelines are printed on that sheet.  Fungicide  - noun /   Lets use some fungicide on that wall.  Garden  - noun /   The garden will include potatoes and tomatoes.  Geographic  - adjective /   The geographic location is remote.  Golf  - noun /   Golf is a game for those who like a challenge.  Graduate  - noun, verb /   Hell graduate next year.  Grave  - noun /   That grave needs to be cleaned.  Greenskeepers  - noun /   The gre enskeepers are working on the greens.  Grounds  - noun / Hes somewhere on the grounds.  Groundskeepers  - noun /   The groundskeepers come twice a month.   Handsaw  - noun / Lets use a handsaw to cut off that limb.  Healthy  - adjective / Thats a healthy alternative.  Hedge  - noun / The hedge needs to be trimmed.  Herbicide  - noun / Lets use a herbicide to deal with the weeds.  Hire - verb / We need to hire two new gardeners.  Historic  - adjective /   That historic building is beautiful.  Hold  - verb /   Could you please hold this for me?Homeowner  Ã‚  - noun /   Homeowners have some concerns in this economy.Horticulture  - noun /   I wish I would have studied horticulture.  Hotel  - noun /   The hotel is located at the end of the street.  Idea  - noun /   Thats a great idea!Impact  - noun, verb /   What do you think the impact will be?Insecticide  - noun /   Youll need to use an insecticide on that plant.  Institutional  - adjective / institutional spending has increased.  Institution  - noun / The institution hired a consulting company.  Interest  - noun / Do you have any interest in a fountain?Intern  - noun /   The intern helped us with the design.  Internship  - noun /   Were offering an internship at the company next week.   Involved  - adjective / The project is extremely involved and complex.  Land  - noun / The land costs are considerable.Landscape  - noun, verb / Isnt the landscape lovely?Lawn  Ã‚  - noun / The lawn needs watering.  Lawnmower  - noun / Use that lawnmower over there to cut the lawn.  Leaf  - noun / That looks like a maple leaf.  License  - noun / Have we got the license yet?Licensed  - adjective / The licensed plumber will be coming soon.  Maintain  - verb / Who will maintain the garden once weve finished?Maintenance  - noun /   The maintenance will cost about $200 per month.Major - adjective / Thats a major development.Mow  - verb /   Could you mow the lawn this afternoon?Natural  - adjective / We only use natural products.  Offer  - verb /   Were offering a 20% discount.  Parking  - noun / The parking is behind the building.  Park  - noun /   The trees in the park need to be trimmed.  Pass  - verb /   Weve passed the exam.à ‚  Pesticide  - noun / How much pesticide did you use?Plan  - noun /   Our plan is to finish by next week.   Plant  - noun, verb / Please plant these tomatoes in the garden.Playground  - noun /   The playground is full of children.  Power  - noun, verb / We use solar energy to power the house.  Prepare  - verb /   Lets prepare an estimate.  Prevent  - verb /   This will prevent moss growing on the lawn.  Procedure  - noun /   We need to review our procedures.  Professional  - noun, adjective / Hes a professional gardener.  Program  Ã‚  - noun /   Our program includes monthly maintenance.  Project  - noun /   The project will take three months to complete.  Pruners  - noun /   Use the pruners to trim the tree.  Public  - noun, adjective / Public interest has been outstanding.  Quality  Ã‚  - noun /   We only provide top quality.  Regional - adjective /   The regional competitors are excellent.  Registration  - noun / The registration is due by the end of the week.  Restoration  - noun /   The restoration of the buildin g should take two months.  Road  - noun /   The road needs to be paved.  Safety  - noun /   Safety is always our first concern.   Saw  - noun, verb /   Use the saw to cut off that limb.  Section  - noun /   One section focuses on designing gardens.  Service  - noun, verb /   We offer a wide variety of services.  Shrub  - noun /   The shrub is lovely.  Site  - noun /   The site needs to be reviewed.  Soil  - noun /   The soil is very rich.  Specialist  - noun /   The specialist will be in next week.  Specialize - verb / Id like to specialize in horticulture.  Supervision  - noun / Project supervision was given to Kevin.  Supervisor  - noun / The supervisor let everyone go home early.  Tree  - noun / That tree needs to be trimmed.  Trim  - verb / Please trim that tree.  Trimmer  Ã‚  - noun / Use the trimmer on that tree over there.  Turf  - noun / We need some new turn to repair our lawn.  Variety  Ã‚  - noun / We have a number of varieties.  Vegetation  - noun / The vegetation is very lush in Oregon.  Walkway  - noun /   The walkway was paved in stone.  Wetlands  - noun / The wetlands attract a lot of birds.

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