Saturday, November 16, 2019

The tulip touch Essay Example for Free

The tulip touch Essay The 168 page book called The Tulip Touch by Annie Fine, quoted the book with the fiery eye and the secret message on the cover is about a teenage girl who lives inside a large hotel called the palace. After constantly staying at the hotel Natalie become bored, and with her mum busily running the hotel Natalie and her dad went for a walk by the farm which is where they met Tulip, who from that moment on became Natalies friend. At the beginning of their friendship Tulip almost never arrived at school and Natalie was left to drift around the playground aimlessly with out any friends hoping Tulip would show up. To make it even worse Natalie was not allowed to find Tulip after school for reasons she didnt understand. When they were together they went and did everything, always finding something fun and new to do. Later, when Tulip finally decided to regularly attend school Natalie become worried about her obnoxious behavior in class as she always managed to find some way to be sent outside into the hallway. Natalie didnt know why she did, but Tulip seemed to enjoy it whether she was scaring the staff half to death, refusing to work or even spoiling all the fun actives like the ropes and field trips. Natalie felt very undecided and confused with her parents decision of sending her to Heathcote and on the days just before the deadline she felt like a bird on an extremely hot wire, every few minutes she expected to hear her dad say well Heathcote it is and then to see him send off the note. Soon Natalie had become so influenced by Tulip that she too had become bad in and out of school, finding harder and harder ways to get into trouble, even going as far as conning their way into other peoples houses. As the flames of the chicken shed leapt higher and higher Natalie was suddenly pulled down into a ditch by Tulip as she heard the fire sirens, and then suddenly out of the whirl of confusion everything just clicked into place. For those were the moments that their friendship died. After the friendship died, Tulips behavior continued to quickly decline whether she was scratching the paint off the walls in the bathrooms or teasing the parents of a dead girl, she just kept getting worse. Tulips very last, very worst game of all was when she torched down the hotel the palace using petrol and paraffin. Tulip had chosen a night when everyone was all together singing and dancing, so that no-one would notice a dark figure running around outside. Natalie feels sorry and guilty for Tulip because she has a wonderful hotel to stay in and great parents to take care of her while Tulip lives in a dump with horrible parents who dont care for her. I think the message of the book is that no-one is born evil and that there is a reason for their behavior, for Tulip it was her parents and overall home life. I enjoyed the touch Tulip always added to her lies for example the lie was: the army is using the farm for training, and the touch she added was: when I get home they are letting me drive a tank. I learnt that there are some bad people in the world who may have had extremely sad lives and that all of us, like Natalie, can choose good or evil. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Miscellaneous section.

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