College of charleston essay
Persuasive Paper Topics About Climate Change
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Factors of Professionalism and Computer Professional Bodies
Variables of Professionalism and Computer Professional Bodies Substance Instructional exercise One3 Instructional exercise Two7 Instructional exercise Three..10 Instructional exercise Ââ Four..13 Instructional exercise Ââ Five..15 References.18 Week 1 Professionalism Gathering Discussion (a) There are various meanings of an expert. Examine when all is said in done terms what you believe are the most significant variables to being a calling. Rank the components you have arranged by significance. Consider why you feel a few components are a higher priority than others. There is conversation about who is an expert. Some said proficient is a one who is acceptable specifically work or taking part in a given action as a wellspring of business or as a profession. The gathering individuals concurred the definition as follows, a talented occupation, inside a composed system, having an acknowledged collection of information, organized preparing, requiring support of aptitudes, guided by a set of principles An expert is an individual who procures formal affirmation from proficient body dependent on his scholastic foundation or/and work understanding and furthermore whose ability could be decided against built up principles. All the gathering individuals by and large concurred that the most significant elements to being a calling incorporate serious extent of information, relationship with an expert body, adherence to the set of principles, organized preparing, moral conduct, confided in fitness, and responsibility to constant advancement of a calling. Capability is the capacity to distinguish the issue and unravel it by using accessible assets. So it is the most significant factor Scholarly foundation, scholastic will assist the expert with learning the particular information on calling. The scholarly information may demonstrate a supportive apparatus for a capable expert. Great relational abilities help in managing customers, partners and bosses. An expert with great relational abilities will have the option to altogether progress nicely. Unwavering quality/Dependability is a factor of significance and may now and then override different elements. Honesty of an expert drives him/her to follow the hard working attitudes and implicit rules on a basic level. Self-assessment and order is a factor that rouses the people to accomplish more and to improve the aptitudes. (b) Differentiate between an expert and a specialist. Does an expert should be a specialist? As descriptive words, the distinction among master and expert is that master is remarkably competent or proficient while proficient is of, relating to, or as per the (normally exclusive expectations) of a calling. As things the distinction among master and expert is that master is an individual with broad information or capacity in a given subject while proficient is an individual who has a place with a calling. An expert isn't really a specialist. (c)ã‚â Is a PC individual with a significant level of information and ability naturally viewed as an expert? No, can't be considered as an expert except if he practices and addition encounter and play out the action as a wellspring of job or as a vocation. Singular Questions (a) The BCS meaning of an expert and two different definitions. Compareã‚â the definitions, what do they share for all intents and purpose? The BCS considers a specialist an expert, on the off chance that one has (BCS Professional): Suitable degrees. Abilities and competency. Inspiration for self-advancement (hypothetically and for all intents and purposes). Regard for set of accepted rules. Two different definitions: Individual officially confirmed by an expert collection of having a place with a particular calling by temperance of having finished a necessary course of studies or potentially practice. What's more, whose skill can as a rule be estimated against a set up set of measures. an expert (of a vocation) has a significant level of instruction and preparing. In like manner it says proficient need instruction and practice. (b) The job of the BCS. The job of the BCS. IT Members portrayal. To build up associations with industry and the scholarly world. To build up associations with governments. To work for the advancement of whole human culture. (c) A review of other expert bodies that exist for the IT business. The Association of Computer Professionals (ACP) is a universal body began in 1984. Its key point is to set and keep up ICT industry principles by giving a free assessment body to ICT experts. The participation of the ACP is a blend of scholarly and business experts inside the field of processing. IACSIT is an enrolled worldwide logical relationship of recognized researchers occupied with Computer Science and Information Technology. The IACSIT individuals incorporate innovative work place heads, workforce dignitaries, office heads, educators, research researchers, engineers, researchers, experienced programming advancement chiefs, administrators and specialists, college postgraduate and undergrad designing and innovation understudies, and so on. The National Computing Center (NCC) is a free participation association for IT experts and is the single biggest and most assorted corporate enrollment body in the UK IT division. Socitm (Society of Information Technology Management) is the participation relationship for all ICT experts working in nearby specialists and the general population and third divisions, and providers to those segments. Socitm gives a generally regarded discussion to the advancement, use and improvement of ICT best practice. Set up in 2001, the UKWDA (UK Web Design Association) unites in excess of 10,000 British web industry experts under one strong umbrella association. Ladies in Technologystarted in 2005 in light of one objective: to assist ladies with building fruitful and fulfilling professions in the IT business. Foundation of Analyst and Programmers, The Institution is Britains driving proficient association for individuals who work in the turn of events, establishment and testing of business frameworks and PC programming. The UK IT Association (UKITA) was built up as the private segment association liable for the advancement of a tenable and flourishing IT industry over the United Kingdom. Week 2 Professional Bodiesand the BCS Gathering Discussion What might be the fundamental jobs and motivation behind the BCS? To improve a general public Offer and trade IT mastery and information Supporting experts Setting measures and structure To fabricate solid relationship with the scholarly world, industry, strategy creators and governments to advance IT. What do you consider to be the advantages of turning into a BCS part? Proficient turn of events Additional preparation openings Systems administration Tutoring Employability Proficient acknowledgment in the IT area Best help from peers through IT gatherings How would you think your work openings profit by joining the BCS? BCS furnishes a stage to speak with Entrepreneurs, Departmental heads, CEOs and so on. This systems administration helps in getting greater business openings. From the video cut it very well may be seen that good examples are significant in all callings. From a verifiable viewpoint, for what reason are the accompanying individuals significant: Charles Babbage, Ada Lovelace, Alan Turing, Timothy John Berners-Lee, Bill Gates, Gordon More (of Mores law), Philip Don Estridge, Steve Jobs, John Von Neumann? Charles Babbage: Pioneer of programmable PC. Ada Lovelace: The principal software engineer. Alan Turing: Widely considered as the dad of man-made consciousness. Timothy John Berners-Lee: The pioneer and creator of WWW. Bill Gates: Co-originator of Microsoft. Gordon More: The Mores law predicts the innovation headway in registering industry Philip Don Estridge: Father of IBM PC. Steve Jobs: Chairman and CEO of Apple Inc. John Von Neumann: The originator and pioneer of direct programming, self-duplicating machines, stochastic figuring. Talk about three other current good examples inside the PC (IT) industry, state why they are considered as good examples. Today practically all website page use jQuery. jQuery is the most mainstream JavaScript library being used today, with establishment on 65% of the best 10 million most elevated dealt destinations on the Web.John Resig is an American programming designer and business visionary, most popular as the maker and lead engineer of the jQuery JavaScript library.ã‚â At the exceptionally youthful age made jQuery and with the respectable idea he made as open source. To me he is extraordinary good example for his difficult work and better model in increasing the value of the general public. Dennis MacAlistair Ritchie (September 9, 1941 c. October 12, 2011) was an American PC scientist.He made the C programming language and, with long-lasting partner Ken Thompson, the Unix working framework. He is a legend whose developments are noteworthy to the cutting edge registering. He increased the value of the general public by adding to the general public. Imprint Elliot Zuckerberg: Co-author of Facebook. To make upset in the web based life world. Singular Questions Discover two other expert bodies (not BCS) and think about the points and statements of purpose of each. Socitm (Society of Information Technology Management) is the enrollment relationship for all ICT experts working in neighborhood specialists and the general population and third segments, and providers to those parts. Socitm gives a broadly regarded gathering to the advancement, use and improvement of ICT best practice. The National Computing Center (NCC) is a free participation association for IT experts and is the single biggest and most various corporate enrollment body in the UK IT area. Examination The vast majority of the point and strategic the over two are comparable . SOCITM conveys Professional turn of events, Peer support, Policy impact, Research improvement NCC conveys a continuum of administrations including; autonomous and unbiased counsel and backing, best practice and guidelines, individual and expert turn of events, oversaw administration conveyance, mindfulness raising and exper
Saturday, August 22, 2020
A Critical Evaluation Of The Balanced Scorecard Accounting Essay
A Critical Evaluation Of The Balanced Scorecard Accounting Essay In 1992, Kaplan and Norton first distributed a paper about the Balanced Scorecard ¼Ã‹â€ BSC ¼Ã¢â‚¬ °. It was a gigantic achievement and BSC before long turned out to be well known everywhere throughout the world. Before BSC developed, associations for the most part utilize customary strategies for execution assessment concentrated basically on money related estimates, for example, ROCE, deals and benefits. BSC interprets an associations crucial methodology into a complete arrangement of execution gauges that gives the structure to a key estimation and the executives framework. The scorecard estimates authoritative exhibition across four connected points of view: budgetary, client, inward business procedure, and learning and development (Kaplan and Norton, 1996). Lately, various global associations have presented BSC as a major aspect of their administration control frameworks. The motivation behind this paper is to give a basic assessment of the BSC as a presentation the executives instrument in worldwide associations. The paper is organized as follows: the following part gives a few reasons of worldwide associations utilizing BSC and the upsides of utilizing it. The second is about certain confinements of utilizing BSC and the motivation behind why it isn't reasonable for certain associations. One explicit model is given for the two sections. The last part is the finish of this paper. BSC has been generally utilized in global associations in the previous 15 years. It clearly has a few advantages to these associations. Here are a portion of the upsides of BSC and they are additionally reasons that make such a large number of associations embrace BSC. Initially, every point of view of BSC requires the recognizable proof of various objectives, and appropriate measures. This implies BSC can offer solid help to the dynamic of the association. On the planet which is loaded with rivalry, its significant for an association to recognize what is generally significant. Every objective and each proportion of the BSC is firmly identified with the key objective of the association. The association can settle on key choices dependent on the BSC. Global associations are regularly huge, they need streamlined and focused objective for the entire association to keep themselves serious. Something else, the association between various offices will get powerless and the association will at long last self-destruct. Also, BSC makes preparations for sub-enhancement, with the goal that improvement in one region isn't accomplished to the detriment of another. Cooperation is a significant piece of corporate culture. BSC consolidates various components of an association and that empowers chiefs to consider what various divisions capacities are. In customary strategies for execution assessment, administrators just spotlight on money related figures. This can prompt choices that cause one office to improve its exhibition on the cost of another. This is very critical to worldwide associations. A worldwide association has numerous offices and one of the administrators assignments is to facilitate these divisions and utilize every office. In the event that one office improve its presentation on the cost of another, there will be not kidding issues for the association. Thirdly, BSC unites a large number of the various components of a companys business and methodology into a solitary report. This can settle on dynamic procedure progressively effective. The entirety of the four points of view of BSC are key components to the accomplishment of an association. BSC gives a report of the mix of the four viewpoints and it can spare time for supervisors who are deciding. It additionally empowers directors to limit data over-burden by restricting the quantity of measures utilized. These days, associations only here and there get disturbed on account of absence of data, in actuality, they frequently need to manage more data than what they truly need. This happens all the more regularly on global associations. Numerous worldwide associations employ experts as specialists and when these advisors give recommendations, there will for the most part be an expansion in the wellsprings of data. This will accordingly expand the weight of managing data. BSC can assist administrators with focusing on just a couple of key components, so they can limit data over-burden and settle on the correct choice simultaneously. Fourthly, BSC moves administrators to take a gander at associations in new manners and to converse with partners about the issues which truly matter. It can likewise move representatives to work more enthusiastically. Conventional techniques for execution assessment stress what directors need representatives do and afterward assess the outcome. Theyre about the control of results. BSC, then again, stresses target the board. It urges representatives to arrive at the objective imaginatively. Top administrators dont know everything themselves. The BSC lets individuals who realize the territory best settle on the best choice and the errand for top supervisors is to consolidate all these together and set an objective for the association all in all. Directors dont need to take a gander at the definite data, they simply need to set targets and settle on choices for the association in general. This can be very imperative to worldwide associations since they as a rule have divisions everywher e throughout the world, its unimaginable for top chiefs to investigate everything about each office and investors need the most significant data to decide. So BSC ends up being a generally excellent apparatus for global associations. Be that as it may, BSC isn't reasonable for each association on the planet. It additionally has a few confinements. Right off the bat, BSC is to confused for certain associations. Associations need to build the number and expansiveness of execution estimates when the embrace BSC. Numerous associations think that its complex for assessing specialty units execution in light of the fact that BSC has enormous number of execution gauges over a few points of view. (Kraus, K. what's more, Lind, J., 2010) If an association needs to embrace BSC, it needs to build up clear and genuine circumstances and logical results connections between various measures. Its a lot simpler than done as a general rule, even Kaplan and Norton let it be known (Kaplan and Norton, 1996). This procedure of setting up connections may take a long time to finish. In this way, numerous associations think that its difficult to embrace BSC. What's more, a few associations which do receive BSC simply improve it by decreasing measures and some even spotlight on money related estimates just, much the same as what they do in customary stra tegies. Furthermore, BSC may bring about workers focusing on the regions estimated. Since BSC plots what the associations system and all the regions that will be estimated, representatives will begin focusing on these regions with the goal that they can get high award through great execution in these territories. Theyll disregard territories that wont be surveyed in light of the fact that they wont get compensation from these zones. What's more, this can turn into a feeble purpose of the association. The utilization of BSC requires an adjustment in the direction of the representatives. Directors need to consider clients, inward business procedure and learning and development just as budgetary point of view, which implies administrators need to know something beyond money related figures. Different representatives, simultaneously, are likewise compelled to take a gander at the associations objective rather than their own creation or deals objectives. This necessitates the entirety of the repr esentatives must have an advanced education than they had in customary strategies. Thirdly, BSC might be excessively prohibitive and furthermore will be unable to adapt to a quick changing business condition. The market is changing quickly these days and it requires some investment to build a BSC framework in the association. Significant components for an association change regular. What's more, new components emerge ordinary. Its very conceivable that one component is significant when the associations chooses to receive BSC and gets not significant at all when BSC is at last settled. Fourthly, a few associations may confront capital market pressure. Most associations, particularly worldwide associations, raise finance from the capital market. Capital market impact directors choices a ton. Supervisors realize what they state and do may influence the stock cost and they realize that typically experts are just keen on budgetary measures. This prompts associations center around salary and incomes since this is the thing that theyre estimated on remotely (Kraus, K. what's more, Lind, J., 2010). At long last, BSC may have a significant expense. BSC requires an association to think from and set objective in money related viewpoint, client point of view, business procedure and learning and development point of view. This require not just profound comprehension of the general methodology of the association, yet in addition the partition of the system into various offices. The association needs to set appropriate objectives and measures for every division. What's more, representatives need to find out about BSC to ensure the framework will work. Data of every division and every viewpoint of the BSC should be gathered. Building up BSC expends a ton of time and assets. Indeed, even settled, BSC can cost a great deal. It needs constant assortment of data. Furthermore, there is a learning and development point of view in BSC, which can be very costly. Such a significant number of associations may surrender BSC in view of the significant expense. Lets take Coca-Cola, the celebrated worldwide organization situated in America, for instance. Coca-Cola Beverage Company in Sweden (CCBS) embraces BSC in the organization. CCBS accepted the counsel of Kaplan and Norton. It chose to quantify its exhibition from money related point of view, clients, interior business procedure, and learning and development. The top supervisors had a three-day meeting to examine about it. They set a drawn out objective for the organization (around 3 years). They additionally portrayed the economic situations around then. At that point they chose a general objective for the organization and set measures for various frameworks and projects. The top supervisors attempted to keep every point of view of the BSC adjusted. So as to do that, CCBS utilized a bit by bit way. Above all else,
Thursday, August 6, 2020
How to Earn Money Grow Your Brand with Webinars
How to Earn Money Grow Your Brand with Webinars Webinars have become increasingly popular as a marketing strategy in the past (few) year/s due to their appeal to prospective customers.Differentiation among similar entrepreneurial enterprises depends not only on the amount of attention which can be acquired or the level of expertise but also on the quality and quantity of customer engagement. With the rise of webinars â€" all of the stated can be achieved in the course of one hour of live (or recorded) broadcast. © | Rawpixel.comIn this article, we will introduce webinars and present a walkthrough of their organization and staging through sections 1) Introduction to Webinars and 2) Staging a Successful and Profitable Webinar. Lastly, we will discuss some ways in which 3) Generating Profit with Webinars can be achieved.INTRODUCTION TO WEBINARSWebinar is a blend word comprised out of words ‘web’ and ‘seminar’ and represents a lecture, presentation or a workshop transmitted online. Its key feature is the possibility of interaction between the presenter and the audience in real time and has a broad application specter ranging from business and education to medicine and media. They are mostly used for demonstrations of services and products, sharing information, news, and analytical data as well as for productive how-to presentations and as such attract large amounts of participants.This form of video conferencing has emerged in the 1990s as a consequence of increased tec hnology accessibility. The multi-point simultaneous communication on various geographical locations depends on video conferencing software that can be found online for free download. Additionally, presenters should have an audio interface and a video camera in order to ensure optimal interaction with their audience.Features of Webinar Software:Slideshow presentations so as to make following of the content easier and engaging.Web Tours easy access to online sources during the session through URL links or cookies.Sharing allowing participants to see the desktop of the presenter as it is at any given time.VoIP using headphones and speakers, presenters can communicate with attendees in real time.Live streaming using a video camera and an audio interface, presenters can deliver content to participants and receive feedback right away.Recording so as to enable later viewing and distribution to audience.Whiteboard sketching and marking notes for participants during the session.Survey s addressing questions with multiple answers to the participants and thus collect important information for the topic.STAGING A SUCCESSFUL AND PROFITABLE WEBINARIn this section, we will guide you through most important points in the journey of staging a successful webinar divided into three sub-categories: before, during and after the session. If you follow these notions you will get through your first webinar without too many setbacks find comfort in the fact that live streaming always comes with imperfection â€" it is a part of its charm.Before the EventChoose a Constructive TopicThe topic of your webinar must be chosen according to the niche that you are a part of and have relevance in reference to the product or services you offer. It should be within the area of interest of your target audience. Consult your customer support team and examine preferences of your circle of followers on social media and construct a topic that will both engage your customers and present your prod ucts and services as useful opportunities regarding the content.For example, if you are managing an enterprise that sells preparation materials for colleges, you can make a webinar session on how to structuralize and conduct the period of preparation and invite the future student to participate.Create a Compelling Registration PageIt is advisable to use a generic registration page if you are a beginner in webinar organization. You can also create a custom page but bear in mind that it must be simple and comprehensive. Present valuable information about your event â€" a compelling title, a short description of what will participants gain from the webinar as well references on hosts and presenters. Lastly, include a registration form through which your audience admissions to the event and gives you some information on themselves. The quantity of information depends on the form you choose â€" for a first time webinar organizer you might want to stick to the basics (as it gets complex, people tend to back out, especially if they are not familiar with the host). Your form should require first and last name of the participant and his/her e-mail address. Congratulations! Each of the prospects which enrolls has been micro converted to a lead.Use Webinar toolsFree Webinar Platforms: If you want to minimize the cost of your webinar strategy, you can choose from free providers such as AnyMeeting, Google Hangouts, Big Blue Button and MeetingBurner. These platforms allow incorporation of various features (surveys, whiteboard, VoIP, streaming) at no cost regardless of the number of attendees.Customizable Webinar Platforms: If you wish to use more of a custom conferencing software you can opt for iLinc, StageToWeb, PGi Better Meetings and a variety of other. They offer various educational and usage materials that can be useful in webinar organization and have free demo trials.Hit Webinar Platforms: The most popular webinar platforms are GoToWebinar, Adobe Acrobat Connect Pro, Microsoft Office Live Meeting and Verizon Small Business Web Conferencing. The price ranges from 24$ to 100$ per month depending on the provider as well as on the intended number of attendees. Most of them, however, offer an up to 30 days free trial period that is a great opportunity to give the webinar strategy a try â€" no cost and all of the beneficial features.Promote your WebinarIt is advisable to find an expert in the niche of the webinar topic and agree to their participation in the event as a guest. It gives credibility and valuable insights for the audience. Try to avoid financial payment for such appearances and ensure them that they are promoted in the same manner as your products and services â€" through content.Use your all of your channels to spread a word of your webinar (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, on your applications and websites as well as through mailing lists). Make sure you provide essential information while promoting and convince your prospects that the y can benefit from your event.Final preparationsAfter you have acquired a substantial amount of attendees, make sure you remind them via e-mail of the date and time of the webinar. Send preparative materials in forms of brief scripts if you find it necessary.Make sure your technology works properlyâ€" it will be found unprofessional if you fail to attend potential difficulties up front. It would be advisable to have a rehearsal for the functionality of the screen sharing software, broadcasting and the slideshow presentation with your presenter and a third party in the role of an attendee.The SessionTeam UpThe success of your webinar is dependent on the quality you present to your audience. In order to achieve optimal productivity of your event, you must distribute roles constructively. This means you will have to form a functional team that should include a:Host: The host is going to give an introduction to the topic and increase engagement with to-the-point questions in the course of the presentation as well as ensure proper flow of the webinar from the beginning to the end.Guest: Your guest should be an expert in the niche who will make an interesting and productive presentation on the chosen topic.Sidekick: Employ a sidekick to deal with incoming feedback and questions during the session. He/she will serve as a bridge between the presenter and attendees in the course of presentation (determine and ask important questions addressed by attendees).Manager: The manager of the webinar will overlook the process in whole as well as collect additional data and share it with the attendees immediately or in the follow-up.Time and Duration30 minutes prior to broadcast â€" test technology functionality;15 minutes prior to broadcast â€" start letting the attendees in;Start broadcasting on time;Presentation should go for 30-60 minutes.Key Elements for Interesting PresentationBuild content of your webinar concerning your audience’s preferences and present with passion. Presenters must engage their attendees with what they are speaking but also in the way they are speaking of a topic.Interesting Content: Make a comprehensive storyline for your audience and include compelling examples of what you are presenting â€" they need to learn new things and understand them. Incorporate surveys in the course of the webinar where you will acquire further information on participants and broaden the specter within which you can properly address them.Multiple Slides: Incorporating a slideshow for your content is one of the most useful tools for success. Jumping from one link to another will only confuse your participants whereas frequent slides will give a structure to the storyline as well as keep and enhance an attention of viewers. Bear in mind the golden rule of presentations: A small amount of concise but to-the-point bullet points and multiple interactive and relevant images to break the text and activate your audience.The FinishRecord the Webinar: It is advisable to record the webinar because your attendees will probably want to get back to it at some point. It is also a great strategy for re-connecting with them after the session.Leave Time for Q/A: Webinars are so successful precisely because of the two-way street type of communication it involves. Leave time for attendees to ask questions and clarify them because that way you are building a quality relationship and fulfilling the purpose of your session â€" showing expertise and being helpful is what will build trust of your potential customers.Call to Action: Do not overwhelm your attendees with advertising but be clear in what you are offering them regarding the topic you have covered in the webinar. Remind them that they can expect a follow-up from you and point them to your other channels.The ‘Post-productionAfter you conclude the session, your main tool of continuing communication is the webinar recording. Fine-tune your recording, include additional data that was ment ioned in the course of it and convert the registration page into a landing page where participants can watch it.Send your audience a follow-up where you are informing them of the accessibility of the recording.GENERATING PROFIT WITH WEBINARSAfter we have determined the process that you have to undertake in order to stage a successful webinar, in this section we will tell you why!Webinars as Customer Engagement ToolsWebinars have become one of the favorite content marketing strategies because they are immediate tools of customer engagement. If you use your knowledge of the niche, examine your target audience you will be able to provide important information within an area of their interest. Essentially, you are offering something they need at no cost (because a prevailing number of webinars is free) and they do not have to move from the comfort of their home â€" it is as accessible as it gets. All they need to do is give you an hour of their day. If they decide to do so, you have alr eady reached the point of their conversion to leads â€" because they gave you information on how you can contact them (preferably their e-mail).If your session does not lack quality content, liveliness and involvement, you will acquire something priceless â€" the trust of your audience. Your attendees will learn something they wanted to learn and will additionally become aware of how your products and services can meet their needs.StatisticsStudies show that:more than 60% of attendees check vendor websites after participating in a webinar â€" increased traffic quantity of interested leads;58% share it to their circle of people â€" word of mouth marketing;34% follow through a purchase â€" conversion rates go up;70% of attendees register to vendor websites after they receive the follow-up e-mail which means they have positive attitude towards remaining in contact with you.Through all this increased traffic (whether it results in direct purchase or not) you are acquiring attention not only for the products or services that were related and advertised the webinar, but also for all of your endeavours and offers. As a consequence, webinars have influence in matters of speeding up the transition from prospects to leads as well as from leads to loyal and retentive customers â€" and that is the point of content marketing.Other Ways of Generating Profit With WebinarsOffer the same webinar to different target audiences.Post the webinar recording online and profit from the traffic it drives.Organize coaching webinars for matters within your niche which can last, for example, six weeks and charge a fee for participation. Some coaching webinars online cost from 299$ to 500$!Employ a joined venture webinar tactic where you will not have to do anything other than promote the webinar while someone else takes care of presentation (and you split income).Cross-promote your other channels in webinars and vice versa.Things to Avoid in WebinarsSolely advertisement (‘sales-y’) pr esentations;Lack of effort and/or authority in realization and content;Dullness of content and performance.One of the building blocks of the ‘new age’ marketing is quality. Sure you can offer mediocre products and be able to sell them. However, you can do it for a brief period of time before your customers see through you and turn to someone else â€" believe us, there is always someone else. Not to mention that it is not in the entrepreneurial spirit to cheat your way to profit. Your goal should always be longevity and broadness over time. Content marketing is what is being used with reference to these points in order to attract and maintain customers through engagement. The ‘cherry on top’ of the strategies employed nowadays is webinars. In addition to the excellent promotion platform that they are proving to be, they generate large amounts of profit â€" they speed up conversions, drive traffic and bring in new potential customers. Moreover, they can be either not too costl y or completely free to stage which means that the return on investment comes in the form of practically pure profit. All you are required to do is invest some time and, well, you are asking the same from your targeted audience â€" sounds like a fair deal to us, provide quality and receive revenue!
Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Underground Railroad Escaping Slavery Essays - 818 Words
The Underground Railroad was what many slaves used to escape slavery. It was not an actual railroad, although it could easily be compared to one. It was a route, with safe houses and many other hiding spots for the slaves to use. The paths had conductors telling you where to go and people who would drive you to the next safe house. You had to be quick, you had to be strong, and you had to be very courageous. The Underground Railroad led all the way to Canada. There were many people helping the slaves, and even more people that were opposing them. It was no easy task. Many slaves died of sickness or natural causes, gave up and returned back to the plantation, or were caught and either killed or brought back. It was a rough journey but a†¦show more content†¦Her birthday was unknown, however, we know she was born in 1820 and died on March 10, 1913. One of her famous quotes was, â€Å"I freed a thousand slaves. I could have freed a thousand more if I only knew they were slaves .†Harriet Tubman was not the only person to help the slaves. Levi and Catharine Coffin were also very good underground railroad conductors. The Coffins were legendary in helping former slaves escape to freedom. They were Quakers originally from NC that moved to Newport where they were very successful in helping Slaves. In Newport, the Coffins became so successful that not one slave failed to escape when they were with the Coffins. The Coffins were true heroes. Another person who helped slaves escape was William Still. Still was a successful and confident merchant who was african american. He was Free born, meaning he had never been a slave working on a plantation. He was born on October 7, 1821, Burlington County, New Jersey. He was the youngest out of 18 children. One of William Still’s major accomplishments was teaching himself to read and write. There were a lot of laws that prohibited African-Americans from reading and writing. William Still is best known for his book he published in 1872 called â€Å"The Underground Railroad†, which was a book about former slaves who escaped bondage. William Still was an abolitionist who helped hundreds of enslaved African-Americans escape to freedom. These people were trueShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Gateway To Freedom By Eric Foner788 Words  | 4 PagesEric Foner portrays the vital role white radicals had in the pursuit to institutionalize slavery, but emphasized how African Americans had an active role as combatants in their struggles to end slavery and to establish true freedom of themselves. Foner stressed and focused on the operatives who ran New York City’s Underground Railroad because New York, still a zone of conflict over the abolishment of slavery, lagged compared to other Northern states during the 1850s. Unsurprisingly, a rash kidnappedRead MoreThe Underground Railroad And The Civil War1709 Words  | 7 PagesThe Underground Railroad was a passage to freedom for the slaves which made the slave-owners exasperate. The slaves had to risk their lives while travelling to the northern states but it was worth it as the result of such hard work was freedom. The underground railroad, a secret network running from the Deep South through the free states and to the Canadian border that helped slaves escape from the slave-holding states before the Civil War, allowed abolitionists and their allies to help runawayRead MoreUnderground Railroad Essay Outline1333 Words  | 6 PagesTHE UNDERGROUND RAILROAD 1 The Underground Railroad Raymond Allen Setlock West Catholic High School THE UNDERGROUND RAILROAD 2 Our country’s history had its good times and also its bad times. One of our bad times in our country’s history was the time when the United States allowed slavery to takeRead MoreHelping Slaves Escape with the Underground Railroad1140 Words  | 5 PagesThe Underground Railroad was a hidden system developed to help fugitive slaves escape from bondage. It is both a dangerous and illegal task to assist these fugitive runaways with their escape. Secret codes were created to help protect themselves and to reach their destinations safely. One of these secret codes was the â€Å"Quilt Code,†it was used to display various geometric shapes and patterns resembling those found in American patchwork quilts. These quilts displayed messages in connection withRead MoreThe Underground Railroad : The Secret System Of Escape During Slavery1107 Words  | 5 Pages The Underground Railroad The Underground Railroad is one of the most historical national monuments around the world. The term underground railroad was used to describe a network of meeting places, secret passageways, and safe houses used by the African slaves to escape the slave states and travel to the northern states, such as Canada (â€Å"Underground Railroad Where History†) . The Underground Railroad also had many prominent figures including Harriet Tubman, John Fairfield, and Levi Coffin (â€Å"PeopleRead MoreSlavery And The Slave Owners1419 Words  | 6 PagesSlaves; people who are the property of and wholly subject to another. Why did it begin in the first place? It was not until December 6th of 1865 when congress finally ratified a law to abolish slavery. However, words of the law still had not spread and it would take around a year for the slave owners to finally set the slaves free. The process of freeing the slaves was full of misery, pain, and constant insults by the majority of the w hite population. However, despite discouragement from the whitesRead MoreThe Great Escape: Harriet Tubman Essay1027 Words  | 5 PagesJohn Parker -†(â€Å"Underground Railroad: A Pathway to Freedom†1) . These were all well known individuals who escaped slavery using the Underground Railroad. Beginning in the late 1700’s, many lives were at risk all for the sake of their freedom. The Underground Railroad was not only a secret system that was used to help fugitive slaves gain their freedom, but it was an opportunity for a better life. Although the Railroad had its advantages, it also had many downfalls. The life of slavery had taken a largeRead MoreHoward Zinn s Development Of Slavery1574 Words  | 7 PagesFrom the 17th to the 19th century, Europeans enslaved African people and forced them to perform exhausting labor. In A People’s History of the United States, Howard Zinn described the development of slavery by stating the contributing factors. F or instance, settlers coming from Europe would station in Africa to force Africans to go to America and work on the colonists’ plantations. African slaves were brought to the North American colony of Jamestown, Virginia in 1619 to aid in the production ofRead MoreThe Underground Railroad And The American Civil War1203 Words  | 5 PagesIn 1619, the first Africans arrived in Jamestown, Virginia setting in motion one of the darkest eras in American history. Slavery would continue throughout the 17th and 18th centuries and eventually divide the nation in the bloody battles of the American Civil War (1861 – 1865). On January 1, 1863, four million slaves were freed when President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation. However, the road to freedom for many slaves was long and brutal. Countless African American slavesRead MoreUnderground Railroad Essay726 Words  | 3 PagesThe Undergorund Railroad served as a gateway to heaven for slaves of the sout hern United States. It provided slaves a way to get north to the freeland, where they would not be forced into slavery. It was the best way for slaves to get away. The Underground Railroad was a network of people that helped fugitive slaves get to the freeland (northern U.S. and Canada). It was not ran/maintained by one person or organization, instead it was made up of lots of individuals. Some of these people were
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Max Durkheim And Weber Summary - 1032 Words
The Founders of Sociology Marx, Durkheim and Webber Tassanee Krawec Northern Lakes College The founders of sociology Marx, Durkheim and Webber In the early era of social transition to the industrial revolution, society had continuously confronted difficulties. The big progression of the industry times, had impacted many people from up-country to move in the urban area to seek jobs in harmful mines and factories with this it had lessened their faith, belief, and bureaucracies which had aroused the corruption, defilement, and poverty in the phenomenon of crime and riddle, strikes and war (Brym,2017). Consequently, these circumstances had driven the early eighteenth sociologists to find the solutions for solving the issues†¦show more content†¦178). Likewise, social stratification, the theory illustrates that the upper-class people derived and maintained their privilege and power making them wealthier at the same time the lower-class are suffering while trying to increase their status. According to Brym â€Å"And once accumulations of wealth began to pass from generation to generation, a structured and relatively per manent pattern of inequality would emerge.†(2017, pp.149). Together with race and ethnic inequalities, the theory implies that the dominant group will be defined by racial or ethnic categories which have more advantages and power over a minority group, this can be seen in a term of economic, social, and workplace discrimination. Structural functionalism started by Auguste Comte, and fully developed by Emile Durkheim. While conflict theory and structural functionalism both focus on macro-level orientation, but instead of the emphasis on inequality between the classes that the conflict theory uses, functionalism believes in the society as a harmonious and interacting whole to promote a state of equilibrium. â€Å"If, said Durkheim, more people could agree on wanting less, social solidarity would rise and there would be fewer strikes, fewer suicides, and so on†(Brym, 2017, pp. 13). As functionalist perspective views of gender inequality apply to the rolesShow MoreRelatedMax Weber And Durkheim s Views On Religion1250 Words  | 5 Pagess social stability. Max Weber along with Emile Durkheim were very influential people in the course of social stability in the 19th century. Weber and Durkheim attempted to make comprehensible social changes, particularly in the aspects of religion of a society. Their p erspectives on religion differ on some aspects. Their views on religion may be diverse, but they both seem to be in unity that religion to some extent shifts the worldview of people in society. Emile Durkheim is a sociologist, bornRead MoreMoral Value Of Science By Max Weber Essay1575 Words  | 7 PagesMoral Value of Science by Max Weber Emile Durkheim Introduction Max Weber and Emile Durkheim are seen as two comparative analysts in regards to the issue of sociology history. During their work, they were faced with a lot of issues that come up during comparative analysis which the sought ways to overcome them and some of the techniques they used are still considered intrusive till today. They both came up with major statements in the course of their carriers which were both methodological andRead MoreDurkheim‚Äà ´s theories focusing on sociological methodology, division of labor and social solidarity1195 Words  | 5 PagesEssay 3 – Durkheim 03/29/2014 DURKHEIM: A SUMMARY OF THEORIES IN RELATION TO MARX AND WEBER Durkheim’s theories focusing on sociological methodology, division of labor and social solidarity The majority of Durkheim’s work is interested in society and societies ability to preserve coherence and rationality an period of increasing modernity. Throughout his work Durkheim was intensely concerned that society become a legitimate science, this is especially obvious when reading the book ‘EmileRead MoreComparison of Marx, Durkheim and Weber1622 Words  | 7 PagesResponse Paper #1 Marx, Weber, Durkheim, introducing the godfathers of sociology. Three of the most influential theorists that are debated on and about till our present time. How have three very different individuals in history have maintained the template as we know it to understanding society, which has been over three centuries old? How is it that three different worlds and times in history, has had such familiarization not only for their respected times but a revelation to today’s systems andRead MoreSociology1391 Words  | 6 PagesSociety. Society refers to people who interact in a defined territory and share culture. This chapter explores four important theoretical views explaining the nature of human societies, focusing on the work of Gerhard Lenski, Karl Marx, Max Weber, and Emile Durkheim. II. Gerhard Lenski: Society and Technology. Gerhard Lenski (Nolan Lenski, 2010) focuses on sociocultural evolution, the changes that occur as a society acquires new technology. According to Lens ki, the more technological informationRead MoreA Study Of Human Social Relationships And Organisations Essay1691 Words  | 7 Pagesright to an education. Emile Durkheim is a well know sociologist and famous for his view on the structure of society. One of his theories was the theory of functionalism this looks at the social equilibrium. If something happens to alter, the order and flow of the system society must adjust to achieve a stable state. He states our society is made up of parts and no part can function without the other. If one part changes it affects the whole society. An example Durkheim uses for functionalism in educationRead MoreThe Marxist Approach On Understanding And Explaining Crime744 Words  | 3 Pagesto major in criminology but I am also completing a major in sociology. So far in sociology we have learnt about Karl Marx and his contributions to sociology including the theories of dialectical materialism and alienation. Alongside Emilie Durkheim and Max Weber, Marx is perceived as one of the three creators of the social sciences. When exploring my options of questions that were put on offer to us I made an ins tant connection with this one. I thought in choosing this particular topic I would notRead Moretheories on crime comparison1138 Words  | 5 Pagesclass distinctions, such as gender and race. Émile Durkheim (1858–1917) focused on understanding behavior within a larger social context, not just in individualistic terms. Additionally, Durkheim suggested that religion reinforces group solidarity. Karl Marx (1818–1883) emphasized the significance of power and analysis of control over resources. For Marx, social inequality is determined by ownership, or lack thereof, of key material resources. Max Weber (1864–1920) argued that who has power was determinedRead Morefactors that contributed to the rise and development of sociology1511 Words  | 7 Pagesof sociology and the latter`s development. In simply terms, sociology is the scientific study of the society and human behavior. The emergence of sociology traces back to the eighteenth century up to present d ay. Johnson (1998) suggests that in summary, the rise and development of sociology is based on political, economic, demographic, social and scientific changes. Ritzer (2008) asserts that the immediate cause for the beginning of sociology were political unrests especially the French RevolutionRead MoreSocial Class : Structural And Procedural Perspectives Essay1760 Words  | 8 Pagescommon experiences. By contrast, structural approach interprets class as a â€Å"matrix of fixed categories†. This matrix has been characterized in terms of the up and down movement of individuals in a sequence (Wyatt-Nichol et al 2011, 189) According to Max Weber the concept of class can be classified as â€Å"working class†, â€Å"lower middle class†, â€Å"intelligentsia†, and â€Å"upper class†. Lloyd Warner has also depicted his model class through dividing this concept into â€Å"upper†, â€Å"middle†, and â€Å"lower†. He has subdivided
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Life After College Free Essays
In high school and college we have guidance counselors, course requirements and teachers. But the minute we graduate into adulthood, it seems we are immediately expected to understand where to go, what to do, and how to get wherever we’re going next. Once we do land a decent job, we’re expected to know how to do whatever it is our boss asks us to do. We will write a custom essay sample on Life After College or any similar topic only for you Order Now Once the first paycheck comes, we’re supposed to know about taxes and healthcare and direct deposits and investing and saving for retirement. We go from being surrounded by our friends all the time in college to being surrounded by a scattered few once we graduate. With graduation fast approaching, I must now embark on the next phase of my life. I’d love to work at a small e-Learning company, which means I’d play lots of different roles. I’ve heard about it from a very good friend of mine. My job title would be Manager of Instructional Design. I will write the fact sheets. The website copy. I will work on the demos. The content, not the graphics. In the area of Project Management I’ll just manage the project. Check in with the development team. See how we’re doing on the schedule, communicate with our clients, write all the design documents, project plans, change orders, etc. This is a new area for me. Untested waters. And I’m really excited about the project I’m working on. We’ve got a gig to help an organization with a large membership craft an e-Learning strategy. Such an opportunity! This will be my job. I hope! Like any other girl I hope I’ll have a very nice family. A good husband, brave children and a big house, of course. How to cite Life After College, Essays
Friday, May 1, 2020
Soldiers and civilians alike Essay Example For Students
Soldiers and civilians alike Essay The second piece to be considered is an extract from Charlotte Gray called The Last Night, by Sebastian Faulks. In this extract, Faulks describes 2 Jewish orphaned brothers waiting to be taken to a concentration camp. He describes the night before they depart, the surroundings, the people and the emotion. Faulks describes how small gestures have a great impact on the detainees. Postcards were provided by an orderly on which to write messages home. The deportees used pencils that had survived the barracks search, indicating how precious these small necessities were, and on writing their notes, many were sobbing with passion, seemingly aware of their fate. Likewise, one boy should immense gratitude for a sardine can of water by embracing the woman that was distributing the water-a small token of kindness for those who are suffering Faulks presents the living conditions as poor. He describes how Andri is lying in the dug. Perhaps he has succumbed to the inevitable. Likewise, he describes adults refusing to drink because they knew it meant breakfast, and therefore departure. He later describes how the children dug their heels into the dirty straw, rather then going on to the bus. All these factors encompass a sense of panic, suggesting that they fear their imminent death. Faulks uses imagery of children as a strong emotional illustration. He describes a woman starring fixedly at her child for the last time. He uses the phrase terrible ferocity, this could be confused with anger or hatred, but no, the woman is trying so hard to fix that image of her child in her memory before he or she succumbs to the inevitable. Faulks as describes how children have to be aided on to the bus. This gives us an image that the children are too young to die and on top of that, a final monstrosity of how a baby of a few weeks old is placed into the cramped interior. There are similarities and differences between these 2 pieces. Both leave you feeling that war is a bad place to be in, but approached it a slightly different way. Both Owen and Faulks use the experiences of young soldiers to illustrate the horrors of the First World War and the feelings of fear, shock and disgust created in these men by the atrocities of conflict. Owen writes from personal experience, having fought in the war, whereas Faulks maps the journey of a young Englishman through historical fiction.
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